Monday, January 19, 2009


Ok, I am going to give my newest account with a bout of thrush. I tried everything. I mean EVERYTHING. Lyme (sp?), Kopertox, Thrush Buster, Sugar/Betadine, Betadine.....

Now I will give you the low-down....

Lyme - works ok, but dried out his feet TOO much. That,and the crapgets everywhere.

Kopertox - turns out that crap actually seals the heel not letting it breathe and since the thrush has to hit air to die because it's bacteria, that obviously didn't work

Thrush buster - might have worked if it wasn't so God awful expensive and purple. I now have two pairs of jeans died purple.

Sugar/Betadine - I don't know what on earth made me try that. Nothing happened

Betadine - Good, but didn't get the job "done"

And my final try? Freaking Clorox and water. 1 part cloroxto 3-4 parts water. Worked beautifully. Now, it CAN dry the feet out (I've read countless testimony to such) BUT if you scrub the feet with Betadine, wash the feet again, and then use a syringe and squirt it directly on the thrush part, then take gauze pads, dip them into the solution and pur the directly in the thrush part (his was on the grooves of his heels) and then wrap with vet wrap and duct tape......not shit...thrush gone TWO DAYS. Just make sure you don't get it on their leg. If you do, rinse it off and make sure it is DRY. Also, if the leg, hair part gets dry, try Desitin - awesome stuff for dry patches.

Oh, also remember to rub some Corona on the coronet band the prevent drying out.....

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