Friday, January 16, 2009

It's COLD in Georgia

And before all of ya'll (ha!) from the northern states start laughing your asses off, please remember that us poor southern folk aren't used to this. Ever seen a southerner try to drive in snow? Scary stuff!

So last night's temp? 11. But it "feels like" 2. 2! Poor babies probably froze last night.

That's the one problem with being at a co-op barn (do it yourself) - some people simply do not know how to care for their horses, nor do they ask questions. But, the good news is that a lot of people DO ask questions and that's awesome. For instance: there is a woman at my barn who has bought herself a three year old Arabian (who she started as a two year old don't EVEN get me started on that) and she has decided that after spending his first two years clipped and blanketed that she is going to leave him naked.

NOW, for all you northerners (smile!) I know it (generally!) gets cold and stays cold. Here in Georgia you never know what you're gonna get. For instance -- last week it rained. and rained and rained and rained. The low of the nights were like 60. it was HOT. I gave Gretzky a bath one night without even needing to use a cooler! hot! Now, a horse is Georgia usually never gets a coat (not a big one) because by the time it gets cold, it gets hot again, and then cold again (we have a lot of colics) and then like this week, it gets so freakishly cold you can't help BUT to put a blanket on.

Even the horses that are straight pasture board horses (whose owners rarely ocme to see them) all have blankets. All but this woman's horse. The only one without a blanket. SAD! Oh, and btw, just so you know, his coat is THIN. Poor baby!


  1. 11 degrees? above zero? wow you have it downright balmy there - I am so jealous! we live in wisconsin and this morning it was 41 degrees below zero with the wind chill! It was warmer in alaska than here!

  2. I'm telling you! It is totally warm to you guys, but to we southerners, this is ridiculously cold! We don't know how to handle it! :)
